And the Oscar Goes to…Trot? has an interesting story. Jeremiah Trotter just finished making his first movie. Sadly, it isn’t the story of him saving mankind by knocking the crap out of Troy Aikman. The movie is called North Star.  Here’s a description:

“Based on a true story from the mid-1800s, the movie tells the adventures of two slaves, Big Ben and Moses Hopkins (played by Thomas C. Bartley, Jr.) who escape from a Virginia plantation with the instructions to follow the North Star. During their journey to hopefully reach freedom, the courageous men combat against hunger, the weather and the threat of being captured. They would eventually reach Buckingham, Pa., where they are assisted by townspeople associated with the Underground Railroad, and “Big Ben” would become aligned with a local abolitionist faction.”

I want to see Trot in a movie with Matthew McConaughey. That would be the ultimate buddy comedy.

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